How to Register for Babyscripts myJourney

If you were referred to Babyscripts myJourney by your UnitedHealthcare insurance plan, please click here for how to register.

If you were referred to Babyscripts by your healthcare provider, there are a couple different methods to register your account.

  1. Provider sign-up / Personal passcode: In most cases, patients will be signed up for the app by their provider or care team at their new OB visit. Once you are signed up, Babyscripts will email & text you a unique passcode that you can use to register for the app.
  2. Universal passcode: Some practices may give out a universal passcode that is the same for all of their patients (e.g. BRXMOMS).

If your provider has signed you up for a Babyscripts myJourney account, please follow the steps below to register:

1. Once signed up, check your email or texts for registration information.

After you've been signed up for a Babyscripts myJourney account, you should receive an email & text message with a passcode, and information on how to register.

2. Download the app and enter your passcode. 

  • Download the Babyscripts myJourney app from the App Store or Google Play Store
  • On the home screen of the app, select "Healthcare Provider"
  • Then, enter your passcode.
    • (If you were given a universal passcode from your provider (e.g. "BRXMOMS"), you can also enter that here!)

3. Follow the steps in the app to register!

  • Once you've entered your passcode, follow the in-app instructions to register your account.
  • From there, the app will log you in so you can start using Babyscripts myJourney right away!
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