How to Register for Babyscripts myJourney Through Your Insurance Plan

Some insurance plans offer the Babyscripts myJourney app to their members. If you heard about Babyscripts through your insurance, follow the steps below to register for the app! 

Note: if you already have a Babyscripts myJourney account, you can simply add your insurance info in the app to get any available perks from your plan!

1. Download the Babyscripts myJourney app

Click here to download the app onto your phone.

2. On the login screen of the app, click "I'm a new user"

3. On the next screen, click "No", you don't have a passcode

4. Enter in your email address and select your insurance provider. Click "Submit". 

If Babyscripts accepts your insurance plan, you'll get a message that looks like this:

If Babyscripts does not currently accept your insurance plan, you'll get a message that looks like this:

If Babyscripts does not currently accept your insurance plan, you won't be able to register through your insurance. You can request to be contacted if Babyscripts accepts your insurance plan in the future!

5. If your insurance plan is accepted, complete your registration to log into the app!

Simply follow the on-screen registration instructions to complete your Babyscripts registration. Once complete, the app will automatically log you in and you can start exploring all that Babyscripts myJourney has to offer! 


If you have questions about registering, please reach out to Babyscripts Support at

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