A&D BP Monitor | How to Pair Your BP Monitor With Bluetooth

If you received an A&D Bluetooth-connected blood pressure monitor in your myJourney Kit, you can pair your BP monitor with the Babyscripts myJourney app via Bluetooth! This way, your BP readings will automatically transfer over to the app.

Here's how to pair your A&D blood pressure monitor with Bluetooth:

1. First things first - make sure that your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are both turned on.

Also be sure that your phone allows the Babyscripts myJourney app to use Bluetooth.

2. In the app, visit the "Health" section and click on the "Blood Pressure" section.

3. If you get a Bluetooth pop-up message, click "Allow".

4. Click "Bluetooth" for the reading type.

5. Click on the "A&D" device picture.

6. Then, follow the in-app instructions to pair your BP monitor with the app.

On your BP monitor, press and hold the "START" button until you see the letters "PR" on the screen of monitor. Then click the "Connect" button in the app. 

7. You should then get a Bluetooth pairing request on your phone. 

Click "Pair" to complete the pairing process. Then press "Continue" in the app.

8. To prepare for your reading, place the cuff on your arm as shown in the picture. Then click "Continue".

9. Once you see the "Start Measuring" screen, press the "START" button on your BP monitor. 

Your BP monitor should then start to inflate to take your reading.

10. Once your BP reading is complete, you can save it in the app.

Click "Save" to save your BP reading in the Blood Pressure section of the app. 

11. You're done! 

Continue to check your blood pressure as prescribed by your provider.

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