Babyscripts myJourney FAQs
What is Babyscripts myJourney?
Babyscripts myJourney is a virtual care platform that provides you with convenient, engaging, and precise care, directly from your provider's office to your home.
Babyscripts has partnered directly with your healthcare provider to bring you near-daily content, provider-approved resources, and much more. You can also monitor your health at home, right through the myJourney app. To learn more about how to use the app, click here!
How do I create a Babyscripts myJourney account?
To use Babyscripts myJourney, your provider or care team will need to sign you up for an app account.
- Most women are signed up for Babyscripts by their care team at their New OB visit.
- Once your care team signs you up, Babyscripts will text and email you a unique passcode that you can use to register and log into the app.
If you're curious to learn more or are interested in signing up for the program, we suggest talking to your provider at your next appointment or calling your provider's office directly.
Can my partner use the Babyscripts myJourney app?
Yes! Your partner is welcome to use the Babyscripts myJourney app to follow along on your pregnancy or postpartum journey.
- Simply share your login credentials (username and password) with your partner.
- They will be able to log into the app to view the same content and resources that you are able to see.
Please note that we are unable to create separate accounts for partners.
What is remote blood pressure monitoring through Babyscripts myJourney?
Babyscripts myJourney offers different options for remote monitoring during the pregnancy and postpartum periods. If your provider signs you up for remote blood pressure monitoring, you'll be able to record and track your blood pressure readings right in the Babyscripts myJourney app.
As part of our remote monitoring programs, if any of your blood pressure readings are high (we call these "triggers"), Babyscripts may automatically alert your provider. You can learn more about that process here:
- Remote monitoring during pregnancy: What Are Blood Pressure "Triggers"?
- Remote monitoring for postpartum hypertension: Postpartum Hypertension Blood Pressure "Triggers"
If enrolled in a remote monitoring program, it's important that you remain compliant with program and check your blood pressure as often as prescribed.
What is the myJourney Kit?
The myJourney Kit is a package Babyscripts may send you if your provider signs you up for remote blood pressure monitoring. The Kit contains an upper-arm blood pressure monitor for you to use at home, and information on how to check your blood pressure remotely.
If you have questions about whether you should receive a myJourney Kit, please email us at, or talk with your provider.
How do I receive the myJourney Kit?
If your provider has signed you up for remote blood pressure monitoring, Babyscripts may ship you a myJourney Kit in the mail. (Note: some providers/health systems have opted to hand out blood pressure monitors in-office, or have patients obtain their own monitor).
If you have questions about whether you should receive a myJourney Kit, please email us at, or talk with your provider.
To receive your myJourney Kit, please make sure you have added your shipping address in the app.
- Simply go to the "Profile" section and click on "Shipping Address" to let us know where to ship your kit.
- For step-by-step instructions, click here: How to Add Your Shipping Address in the App.
How do I reset my Babyscripts myJourney password?
Forgot your password for the Babyscripts myJourney app? No sweat! Head over to the app and click "Forgot password" on the login screen. Then follow the steps in the app to reset your password.
For step-by-step instructions, click here: How to Reset Your Password.