Withings BP Monitor | How to Connect Your BP Monitor with the App

If you received a Withings BP Monitor from your provider (also known as "Withings BPM Connect"), you'll need to connect the monitor to the Babyscripts myJourney app. This way, all of your BP readings will be saved to the app, and your provider will be able to monitor your health.

Here's how to connect your Withings BP monitor with the app:

1. In the app, click the upper-right menu, and click "Devices".

2. Click "Add a new device".

3. Click on the Withings device picture.

4. Follow the in-app instructions to scan your cuff.

This will connect your cuff with your Babyscripts myJourney app. Once your cuff is connected to the app, your BP readings will automatically be saved to the app—as long as you have a good cellular connection.

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