Withings BP Monitor | How to Set-Up and Use

If you have a Withings BP monitor from your provider (also called "Withings BPM Connect"), follow the steps below to set up your blood pressure monitor and take a reading.

Connect your BP monitor with the Babyscripts myJourney app

Before using your Withings BP monitor, connect it with the Babyscripts myJourney app so all of your readings will save to the app.

  1. In the app, click on the upper-right menu, and click "Devices".
  2. Click "Add a new device".
  3. Click on the Withings device picture.
  4. Follow the instructions in the app to scan your cuff

Set up your cuff and take your first BP reading

  1. After unboxing your Withings BP cuff, press and hold the button for 3 seconds. You will then see “Hello” displayed on the screen. The installation/setup process may take up to a minute or two. Once it's complete, you will see a checkmark on the screen. ✅
  2. Unroll the cuff and place your left arm inside it. The button should be closer to your elbow, and the Withings logo should be closer to your shoulder.
  3. Tighten the cuff around your arm. The white tube should be placed slightly toward the inside of your arm, facing the rib cage, about 1 inch above the bend of your elbow. Close the cuff at an angle if needed to ensure there are no gaps on the top and bottom. The entire cuff must be in contact with your skin.
  4. Press the button until you see "BP" displayed on the screen. Then press the button again to begin a single measurement.

See this video from Withings for a walkthrough of how to set up and use the BP monitor:

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